RATING: 4.43 | SALES: 83
JB Portfolio is an easy to use responsive and filterable Portfolio-Grid Plugin for WordPress, offering a wide range of customization options.
- Easy to install and customize
- Supported by all modern browsers
- Responsive
- Lightbox-Support
- Layout-Options:
- Set the number of columns (2-9)
- Adjust the vertical and horizontal Distance between items
- Set the Image Background Color
- Rollover-Options:
- Choose between over 30 different Hover Transformations and Animations
- Set the Overlay Color and Opacity
- Adjust the Overlay Font Size Hover-, and Background-Color
- Possibility to individually customize each item
- Set individual Background and Hover Colors
- Set a custom width for each item
- Set a custom Link for each item
- Filter Options:
- The Portfolio Grid is filterable by tags
- Show and hide the Filter Menu
- Set the Menu Position and customize the Button style
- Display different portfolio grids by generating custom shortcodes
- Post type based Portfolio-Items:
- Create new Portfolio posts like you are used to from creating ordinary WordPress Posts
- Instant Layout Preview:
- Review your changes instantly by viewing the Layout Preview
- Translation Ready:
- Easily translatable via .po files
- Two languages provided (English, German)
Product Author:klimmeckl