RATING: 5 | SALES: 115
iDonatePro is a professional Blood request and blood donor management system for any kind of WordPress website. This plugin will allow anyone to the registrar for donating blood and the list of donors will automatically populate on donors page. Also, anyone who needs blood they can find them easily also they can request for blood. It has very nice UI and powerful admin settings panel what is very easy to use. It can be also set into Widgets of WordPress. This plugin is suitable for any donation, non-profit, clinic, hospital, doctors websites who want to provide some extra facilities to help find blood.
Plugin Features
- Blood request post
- Blood request Page
- Auto request Delete
- Donor Page Grid
- Donor List Table Shortcode
- Donor filtering
- Donor registration
- Donor profile
- Donor profile edit
- Form Recaptcha
- Donor and request approval system
- Donor page and request page pagination
- Add Admin statistics widget
- Add front End statistics widget
- Login Page
- Settings Options
- Responsive for all devices
- Support bootstrap framework
- Support font awesome
- Bootstrap load unload option
- font awesome load unload option
- Colors change options
- Translation ready
- Ready for translation ( .pot files included )
- Free Updates
- Error free code
- Well Documented
Updates and changelogs
01 Augst 19 (V - 1.9.1 - Latest) 1. Single page added for donors 2. Fixed donors popup issue 3. Fixed some other issue
01 Augst 19 1. Add statistics shortcode 2. Fixed blood request image height problem 3. Add shortcode show button in admin
29 July 19 1. Add blood request image option 2. Add Gambia Country states
18 April 19 (V - 1.7) 1. Add donor gender Field 2. Add Donor date of birth field 3. Add Option to show donor user should be logged in 4. Add Admin statistics widget 5. Add front End statistics widget 6. Improve blood request widget design 7. Fix some CSS issue
1 March 19 (V - 1.6) 1. Add donor social icon 2. Add blood request social share 3. Add blood request shortcode 4. Add donors shortcode 6. Add blood request post form shortcode 7. Add donor register form shortcode 8. Bootstrap 4 support 9. Fixed some error 10. Improve blood request page design. 11. Improve donor page design. 12. Add donor last donate date 13. Remove user name from donor front end popup
18 October 2018 (V - 1.5) 1. Fixed some CSS issues
13 October 2018 (V - 1.4) 1. Added donor profile image crop 2. Added Donor page pagination 3. Added blood request approval option 4. Single country select option 5. Form Recaptcha option 6. Donor table short code
05 September 2018 (V - 1.3) 1. Changes some UI designs
05 September 2018 (V - 1.2) 1. Added Country Select box in Blood request form 2. Added State Select Box in Blood request form 3. Added City Field 4. Added pagination in Blood Request page 5. Added Request post date 6. Improved some styles
23 March 2018 (V - 1.1) - Fixed some minor issues in code
13 March 2018 (V - 1.0) - Initial release
Product Author:ThemeAtelier