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Salon & Spa Barber Appointment Booking Android + iOS App Template IONIC 5 – Book A Point
Expand your salon and spa business with BookAPoint which help you in Salon & Spa Appointment Booking that supports Android and iOS. So your all the customers can easily book an appointment for Salon and Spa. The application template can be used for creating a full-feature app for wide ranges of services which include Unisex Salon and Spa, Family Salon and Online book Appointment for Hair and Beauty Care.
BookAPoint offers the best Screens ready to be used in barber booking app ionic 5 :
- Salon Appointments
- Beauty Salons
- Spa Booking
- Barbershop near you
This template comes with below screens:-
- Location wise salons branches screen
- The nearby salon preference screen
- Filter option screen
- Appointment (Upcoming, Completed and Cancelled) screen
- Appointment (Upcoming, Completed and Cancelled) screen
- Notification of completion screen
- Profile handling (Includes Favorites feature) screen
And Many More…
We have Spa and Salon on demand marketplace script also on Ionic 5 and laravel
Product Author:OndemandScript