Moto – WordPress Landing Page Theme is a responsive, clean and modern designed WordPress Theme for landing pages.
Features List
- Valid HTML5, CSS3
- Neat, clean and simple design
- Creative and Modern Design
- Unlimited Color Variation
- Blog Page
- Blog Details Page
- Theme Layout [Full Width, Boxed]
- Faster drag and drop page builder
- Built Based on King Composer
- 40+ KingComposer addons
- 6+ Mobile Mend addons
- Fully Responsive
- Easy To Customize
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Google Fonts
- Font Awesome Icon
- ET-line Icon
- Simple Line Icons
- Well Documented
update logs
Version: 1.1.9-—-Date: 27-10-2021
1. Updated : WordPress 5.8.1 2. Updated : Theme's core plugin Version( 1.0.1 ). 3. Fixed : Custom widget image upload issue.
Version: 1.1.8-—-Date: 29-03-2021
1. Updated : WordPress 5.7 2. Fixed : Blog layout.
Version: 1.1.7-—-Date: 26-09-2020
1. Updated : WordPress 5.5.1
Version: 1.1.6-—-Date: 26-02-2020
1. Updated : WordPress 5.3.2 2. Fixed : Google Plus socail share and icon remove
Version: 1.1.5-—-Date: 25-11-2019
1. Updated : WordPress 5.3 2. Fixed : Validation error 3. Imporved : Site performance.
Version: 1.1.4-—-Date: 15-07-2019
1. Updated : WordPress 5.2.2 2. Fixed : Theme option Typography. 3. Fixed : Theme custom widget move to core plugin.
Version: 1.1.3-—-Date: 07-11-2018
1. Added : Blog masonry 2. Fixed : Blockquote style 3. Improved : Theme performance
Version: 1.1.2-—-Date: 03-10-2018
1. Updated : WordPress 4.9.8 2. Updated : Theme unit demo data 3. Improved : Site performance
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Product Author:codecarnival