Accentuate your style, stand out from the crowd with Bit. Bit – unique Adobe Muse template for creative agency, freelancers,
designers, photographers or any others creative people. It can be used for Personal Portfolio, Magazine or personal blog.
This responsive, fully customizable template with more features will allow to create the site easily and quickly.
Our Muse template comes with 3 Unique Widgets, Facebook Comments Widget, Google Map Widget, Google Fonts Ready, Contact Form,
Coming Soon and Maintenance Page…
Your readers and clients will not be bored even on 404 page, because it has a simple and catchy game.
It is better to try by yourself, rather than spend time in the detailed reading about many of template features.
Key Features
- Multipage template
- Responsive Template
- Breakpoints 1170px, 1024px, 960px, 768px, 480px, 320px
- Fully Customizable
- Clear and Unique Design
- Easy Editing
- Sticky Menu
- 500+ Free Edge Web Fonts
- Google Fonts Ready
- Font Awesome Icons
- Animate.css and Wow.js
- Well Organized Layers
- Facebook Comments Widget
- In-Browser Editing
- Contact Form
- Awesome 404 Page
- 3 Unique Widgets
- Coming Soon and Maintenance Page
- Google Map Widget
- Well Documented
- Torbara Support
- Free Updates
Item Contents
- assets
- widgets
- bit.muse
- index.html
- about.html
- blog.html
- contact.html
- works.html
- single-blog.html
- project.html
- coming-soon.html
- error.html
- offline.html
- assets
- favicon.ico
- index.html
If you have any questions please feel free to email us via contact form here.
Item Support
Product Author:torbara