RATING: 3.86 | SALES: 80
Mobile Friendly Lightbox with Social and Viral Features
“ARI Fancy Lightbox” is mobile ready popup plugin with social and viral features. Can show any content type: images, photos from WordPress, NextGEN, Justified Image Grid, FooGallery and Jetpack galleries, WooCommerce product images, videos from popular services (YouTube, Vimeo, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Vine), Google Maps links, PDF documents, web pages and inline content even with shortcodes.
Easy to use, no need any additional modification of HTML code. Just select media items which want to display into the lightbox (for example YouTube or Vimeo videos) and the plugin attaches lightbox automatically to all appropriate links on your site.
It works with WordPress native and Jetpack (tiled, circle) galleries out of the box. Just install and activate the plugin. Images from galleries will be opened into fancybox popup.
Want to try the plugin?
We prepared a demo page for you: http://wp-quiz.ari-soft.com/plugins/wordpress-fancy-lightbox.html#demo
or get free version of the plugin in WordPress plugin directory: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ari-fancy-lightbox/
Social Sharing and Virality
Lightbox content can be easily shared via social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, VKontakte or send by email link to lightbox item.
Supports integration with Facebook comment plugin. It is easy to add comments for any lightbox item.
Responsive and Mobile First
It works fine on any device (mobile, laptop, desktop) and supports gestures (tap, zoom, pan and pinch), swipe navigation, inline zoom for convenient using on mobile devices. Want to disable the lightbox on small screens and show content directly into a browser? Not a problem, the plugin supports this ability.
Smart titles
Can load titles for images from EXIF data or use file names.
Create Splash Popup
Need to show a splash window when page is loaded? “ARI Fancy Lightbox” help to do it. The extension supports a shortcode which helps to create auto-open popup with the defined content. It is possible to show the lightbox always, only once or once per browser’s session.
WooCommerce Integration
Supports one click integration with the most popular e-commerce platform. Show WooCommerce product images into fancy lightbox with ability to share and comment them.
Want to create an unique link for each lightbox item? The extension supports deeplinking. It create an unique URL for each item. When a deep link is opened into a browser, the lightbox will be opened automatically and the appropriate content will be shown.
If want to create a link with the attached lightbox manually, it can be done via shortcode: http://www.ari-soft.com/docs/wordpress/ari-fancy-lightbox/v1/en/index.html#shortcode
Have any idea how to improve the plugin? Feel free to contact us and we will be glad to extend functionality of the extension.
User’s guide is here: http://www.ari-soft.com/docs/wordpress/ari-fancy-lightbox/v1/en/index.html
1.6.3 – 29 July
- MP4 video support
- FooGallery support
- Use current WordPress locale when load Facebook SDK
- Fix bug: unnecessary HTML code is added to share post title
1.6.0 – 13 June
- Add animation/transition effects
- Use “srcset” attribute for images
- Remember active tab when save settings
- Can start slideshow automatically
- Show/hide navigation buttons at the screen edges
1.5.11 – 11 May
- Supports integration with WooCommerce 3.x
- Can group images based on CSS selectors
- Add actions: ari-fancybox-options-setup, ari-fancybox-enqueue-scripts, ari-fancybox-loaded
- Add filters: ari-fancybox-default-settings, ari-fancybox-options, ari-fancybox-tabs-options, ari-fancybox-tab-integration-groups, ari-fancybox-tab-lightbox-groups, ari-fancybox-tab-share-groups, ari-fancybox-tab-style-groups, ari-fancybox-tab-advanced-groups, ari-fancybox-tab-update-groups
- Load titles from EXIF data
- Possible to disable right click for image slides into the lightbox
- Can hide links
- “Convert file name to title” option is also applied for image galleries
- Possible to use file names as titles for images
- Supports integration with Justified Image Grid galleries
- Supports integration with NextGEN
- Compatible with WordPress 3.4+
- Integration with WooCommerce
- Create links via [fancybox] shortcode
1.3.0 – 17 February 2017
- Add PDF support. Show local PDF files in PDFJS viewer
Product Author:ari-soft