Apartment WP is a modern and creative responsive Real Estate WordPress Theme for Agents, Portals & Single Property Sites. Beautifully crafted on the one hand and technically advanced (but yet simple to customize) on the other hand.
After few months of the development WordPress version of very popular HTML theme is finally ready. Please check the great design and unique options. If you have any pre-sale questions on suggestions please send me a message.
New feature – OpenStreetMap support
Since July 16, 2018 Google Maps has new pricing, that can affect even small websites. If your website become popular you can pay hundreds of dollars every month for using Google Maps API. This is why since Apartment WP version 3.0 you can switch to OpenStreetMap if you want. OpenStreetMap is an open source and free platform that is almost as powerful as Google Maps.
Check if other real estate themes give you this option and choose wisely!
As a experienced developer who works with real estate industry since 2003, I decided to create a Theme that truly stands out of the crowd and presents estates in the most efficient way. Top notch industry options like advanced Google Maps and OpenStreetMap, Street View and panoramas with stunning visual effects will help you to outdistance your competitors whether you are real estate agency, estate portal, single agent or a private property owner.
Add to this: easy customization, many layout and color variants, detailed documentation & best support, dsIDXpress plugin support, PayPal integration, RTL, WPML, Virtual Reality and you receive the Theme you should have )” title=” :)” />
- NEW! Support for 360 Virtual Reality Videos and Virtual Tours!
- Option to monetize the page (charge per listing or create billing plans)
- PayPal integration (for per listing payments)
- Perfect responsiveness
- Beautiful and pixel perfect design
- 8 Predefined skins + create your own in one minute
- Boxed and Wide version
- Amazing flipping offer map
- Advanced Google Maps and OpenStreetMap integration
- Single Estate and Multi (agency) version
- Grid, List & Masonry Offers
- Grid, List & Masonry Blog
- Custom widgets
- Front page submissions & account management
- Three account types: owner, agent & agency
- Ajax localization hints
- Most advanced and flexible search engine on the market
- dsIDXpress plugin support
- Homepage Builder
- dsIDXpress plugin support
- Favorite Properties
- Custom Post Types: Properties, Agents, Agencies, Testimonials, Partners, Packages & Orders
- Translation ready
- RTL support (test it HERE)
- WPML Multilingual Plugin compatible
- Cross-browser compatibility (IE9+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, iOS, Android)
- Valid HTML & CSS
- High Resolution (Retina) ready
- PSD files included
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- And much much more…
For all options of this Real Estate Theme check Theme Documentation
- Images on our demo site are not a part of package.
Not sure? Check what other say on my items!
3.3 – 27.05.19
- bundled plugins updated
3.2 – 14.02.19
- fixed property video bug with SSL protected websites - Minor improvements
3.1 – 14.02.19
- Minor improvements
3.0 – 15.09.18
+ OpenStreetMap support added + display improvements
2.19 – 14.08.18
+ added custom order link to the package
2.18 – 20.07.18
+ post sharing fixed
2.17 – 07.06.18
+ PayPal plugin updated + minor improvements
2.16 – 16.02.18
+ translations improvements + minor improvements
2.14 – 29.08.17
+ fixed substring for multibyte chars + fixed custom skin bug + added same height for features
2.12 – 18.07.17
+ .pot language file updated + blog featured image responsiveness fixed
2.11 – 17.07.17
+ Search bug fixed
2.10 – 24.05.17
+ visible agent/agency/property ID in WP Dashboard + option to turn off favourite offers (leave page for favourites empty) + "featured" ribbon on featured offers + working hours w homepage contact section + custom social icon in the header + Search form changed from POST to GET
2.9 – 28.04.17
+ one click demo importer added
2.8 – 24.04.17
+ grid offers display improved
2.7 – 11.04.17
+ search error not returning some offers in specific cases fixed + offers display improvements + plugins updates
2.6 – 15.03.17
+ minor bugfixes
2.5 – 06.03.17
+ fixed sorting error on search result
2.4 – 28.02.17
+ fixed sorting error on transaction pages + minor improvements + WMPL improvements
2.3 – 03.02.17
+ fixed add favourites offers in shortcode + fixed adding to featured/slider in front end form submission
2.2 – 31.01.17
+ WPML improvements
2.1 – 17.01.17
+ search bug fixed + minor improvements
2.0 – 06.01.17
+ added support for the WPML plugin + added support for the RTL (right to left) languages + minor improvements
1.17 – 21.12.16
+ contact for error fixed + simple search error on mobiles fixed + added option to show properties on an agent/agency on single agent/agency page
1.16 – 18.12.16
+ newest Chrome rotation map problem fixed
1.15 – 15.12.16
+ addend property ID and link to the contact form + minor bugfixes and improvements
1.14 – 11.12.16
+ minor bugfixes and improvements
1.13 – 05.12.16
+ new social icons added: Instagram and linkedIn
1.12 – 03.12.16
+ new search options added - keyword, property ID, agent, agency + translations update + plugins update + fixed amenities search error
1.11 – 01.11.16
+ offer details map error on mobile fixed
1.10 – 26.10.16
+ bundled plugins update + fixed: agent email not showing up on homepage + fixed: html in property can brake slider + fixed: some additional numbers showing on packages page + fixed: top bar icon colors fixed
1.9 – 24.10.16
+ option to add search box to the Revolution Slider header + minor improvements and fixes
1.8 – 12.10.16
+ agent and agency contact form fixed + skype link in the top bar fixed
1.6 – 20.09.16
+ theme localization bug fixes + minor improvements and fixes
1.5 – 15.09.16
+ dramatically improved search performance
1.4 – 08.09.16
+ you can now choose fields in submit form and make them required + fixed error with photos with the same name + option to turn off map scrolling + fixed small map UI visibility + slider 1 - you can click on the box not only on + + custom link for payment + terms of use link error + custom link in user menu
1.3 – 06.09.16
+ price format + posts homepage: category filter + taxonomy page (property type, transaction type, localization) + custom currency + datepicker in submit offer + disable admin bar and dashboard for non admin users
1.2 – 02.09.16
- Minor bug fixes
1.1 – 31.08.16
- Minor bug fixes and style improvements - Creating new order error fixed